Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Quest To Gain IX (Excerpt)

From The Quest To Gain IX, coming soon on my DA page.

After breakfast everyone agreed on lounging on the couch and watch some movies. Thus Zack and Adam call the crew to bring up their most premium of what they had on deck for TVs. Once it was brought up and hooked up properly the ladies essentially had a movie morning. They engrossed themselves on what this TV had. Megan, Xena, E__, A__, and ____ were engrossed but many of the films they watched were either solid or average. Zack and Adam simply walked around the ship while their wives were distracted. Due to how engrossed all the ladies were they completely lost track of time. Soon enough A__ was just curious snd checked the time, she was shocked that four hours has passed. "HOLY S*IT!!! Guys look at the time. Wow really", ___ said. "WHAT?!", E__ said. "Really now?- *belly growls* - well I suppose we have been watching movies for that long", Xena said. "*belly growls* Oooooo I'm soooo hungry. Now's a good time to end this", Megan said. Zack and Adam had just shown up in time upon all of the ladies realization. 

(As a side not a few characters are blanked out. I left a clue for two of them and they are returning characters ;)  )

Conflicted Temptations (Excerpt)